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September 10, 2024

The war between Sarawak and PETRONAS is still at bay, for now

Putrajaya to introduce a new PPP model in order to reduce its fiscal burden. EVs will be getting a new car plate that will make you confused whether we are…

September 5, 2024

Putrajaya is playing the secretaries’ musical chairs

All public and private construction projects worth more than RM10 mil need to use BIM systems. IHH Healthcare purchased Island Hospital in Penang for almost RM4 bil. Malaysia Airlines is…

September 3, 2024

China preparing to show the middle finger to Japan

The full battery ecosystem is starting to take the picture in the northern states of Malaysia. KLIA Aerotrain will start to operate by the end of January 2025 *fingers crossed*….

August 29, 2024

Are Malaysia Airlines really, really okay?

Fresh Musang King has started to enter the Chinese market No more new development projects in KL until Putrajaya can figure out why KL is sinking like crazy BYD wants…

August 27, 2024

Let SBEZ not be another Kulim

Kedah state leader said that the emphasis needs to put on developing the residential and commercial sectors in SBEZ. Ketum is the new ‘thing’ to be exported (say no more…

August 22, 2024

Malaysia Airlines, are you okay?

IN Malaysia Malaysia has a palette for some Indian flavours During PM Anwar Ibrahim’s final day of his official visit to India, he met with representatives from three prominent Indian…

August 20, 2024

Gaji naik!!! Boleh Beli Kereta Baru

IN Malaysia Gaji naik yahuu but with great gaji comes greater responsibility After announcing the pay hike for public servants, a 15% salary adjustment for civil servants in the implementing,…

August 15, 2024

The only acceptable ‘non-binary’ is in geopolitical relationships

IN Malaysia Malaysia needs to be ‘non-binary’ to attract investments Investment Minister Tengku Zafrul Aziz said Malaysia must continue its ‘neutral’ policy to become the go-to investment destination. According to…

August 13, 2024

Malaysia is doing better than Singapore in the Paris Olympics

IN Malaysia Malaysia is doing quite well on the global stage During the Malaysia Commercialisation Year Summit, PM Anwar Ibrahim lauded Malaysia’s achievement in becoming the second-best upper-middle-income nation, just…

August 8, 2024

Are Malaysian companies going to dip their toes in Thailand SEZs?

IN Malaysia After more than 3 years as the Chief Secretary, Zuki makes way for Shamsul Azri The PM Office announced yesterday that the current director-general of the Prime Minister’s…

August 6, 2024

China is implementing its ‘Dasar Pandang ke Malaysia’

The Malaysia-Thailand border is the new baby and PM Anwar is not shy about it China, both tourists and businesses, are flocking to Malaysia for better opportunities. Thailand is going…

August 2, 2024

Eight Degrees – the new kid in the block

To be frank, Eight Degrees is just another newsletter. But, we promise one thing and one thing only – to crank up the heat on the issues that matter, at…